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Name Hanh Tran
AKA Spinin' Rice, Spin In Rice
Birthplace New Orleans, LA
DOB 4-16-88
Age Do the Math
Zodiac sign Aries
Chinese Zodiac sign Dragon
Nationallity Vietnamese
Location Baton Rouge, LA
Status single, but I got someone on my mind
Hobbies web design, internet, clubbing(occasionally), and dur breakin'
Schools Brownfields Elementary, Westdale Middle, Baton Rouge High (9th)
Current School Baton Rouge High
Hair Black
Eyes Brown
Height 5' 6"
Weight 120 lbs. Me and my bony ass
Siblings 1 punk-ass older brother and 1 younger sister
Favorite Music rap/r&b, trance, break beat, anything with a good beat
Favorite Song(s) Dj Fiya- Livin' a Lie
Favorite Movie
Favorite Food Pho, momma's spaghetti, steak
Favorite Color Blue
Personal Quote Whatever floats your boat
Contacts vpxspinxinxrice@hotmail.com